What Teachers Really Do.

Hi guys, today I shared with you my story I made from the writing prompt in Miss. Anderson's room. Here it is:
Today we were in class and Miss. Anderson said she needed to go grab something from the teacher's lounge. She quickly walked out of the room and we all started to wonder what do teachers do in the teacher's lounge. They are in there all the time. What's the "important business" they have to go and do. I think they have a big dessert buffet there and they go to eat all the time. I wonder what food they have? Do you think they have a cake or a chocolate fountain? My ideas were endless. Just like Miss. Anderson's time in the teacher's lounge. It had been ten minutes and she still wasn't back yet. I started to think a little more. What if all the teachers decided to go to the teacher's lounge and stuff their faces full of food? twenty minutes had gone by and by now everyone was talking and being loud. Someone even opened the door to Mrs. Merklin's room and they said she was gone too! This got everyone curious. We even went into the other classrooms after that and all the teachers were gone! Then a good idea came to someone's mind.
"Let's go to the gym and play a big game of dodgeball!" someone yelled. Everyone thought that was the best idea ever. We ran to the gym, but when we got there we saw something that blew our minds!
Read my next story to find out what the amazing surprise is in the gym.


  1. Sounds really cool! I wonder what's in the gym.

  2. Cool! Write the next story fast!!!!!

  3. I think that the teachers were doing something in there, like doing dodgeball.


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