The Crazy Bus Ride!

I was reading the comments on my recent post and Claire Truesdale gave me the idea to make a sequel to the writing prompt. So here's more to the story.
That was the craziest dream I've ever had! I rolled over and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. I just kept on thinking about the bus ride dream. Soon enough my alarm clock went off. I turned it off and went upstairs to eat breakfast. I made some waffles and then went to brush my teeth.
"Goodbye, see you after school!" My mom said as I walked out the door heading for the bus.
When I got there I sat down next to Karen and Vada like I usually do. The day was starting off just like my dream did and that was really weird. We started talking for a while and then, of course, we see the bus driver asleep. It felt like a slap in the face. I should have known that he would fall asleep! So, we all started thinking of what to do. I suggested the things from my dream, but nobody seemed to like that idea, so the bus was rolling down the street with no driver for a very long time.
About ten minutes had passed and no one had any ideas that worked! Vada suggested we all try to jump out the back door of the bus. We thought that was a crazy idea! Karen got really scared and called the police, and as soon as we knew it the bus was being chased down by the police officers. Now I was really scared. Not just because the police but we were chasing us, but we were also getting closer to the hill that leads to the river! Nobody knew what to do, everyone was terrified! Then I remembered about my dream! So, I ran up to the front of the bus and I slammed my foot on the break. The bus stopped about eight feet in front of the river. There was a sigh of relief, but then behind the bus, the police cars struggled to stop and some of them crashed into each other! Luckily no one was hurt though. Although the bus driver was still asleep.
"Let's get off," someone said.
"No, wait! Don't go off the-" But it was too late. Everyone scrambled to the front of the bus and it started rolling. Of course, it rolled into the river. The bus driver woke up as soon as the water coming in from the windows hit him. We all safely swam to shore and the police officers gave us a ride to school, and the bus driver was fired for sleeping on the job.
When we got to school from the crazy morning we tried to explain to Mr. Burchfield why we were late, but he said "Unacceptable! Why do you kids always have to make up these crazy stories?" All of our teachers were so mad they gave us detention after school!
It was a crazy morning but I still have one question.
Can my dreams predict the future?


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