As you probably know the school dance is this Thursday. I don't know about you, but I am pretty excited about it. After school on Thursday, I have a science club which I am really excited about because we haven't had it in about a month. One of my friends is going to go with me because she is coming to my house before the dance, and we will get ready together. At five o'clock some of my other friends are coming over to get ready as well. We are going to eat pizza and probably just talk and laugh most of the time. The at around seven o'clock we are going to the dance! I am excited to play games, dance, ect. I know a lot of people are worried about the eighth graders at the dance. You shouldn't be, my sister is in eighth grade and I've met a lot of people in her grade and they are all very nice and kind. Just be excited to go have fun and hang out with your frineds.
I hope you had a good time! I know I did!