The Search
Here is my story that I wrote in language arts class. I decided to name it The Search. If you want to know what it's about, I wrote a little about that in my last post. (This might take a while for you to read because it's really long.) I've always wondered what my real mother is like. Does she have the same brown curly hair like me? I wonder if she's as short as I am. "Beep beep!" The car horn screams. "Jane! We're here!" Will says. I look out the window and see this huge white house with millions of windows. "Grab your things and I'll show you to your room," Will says. I go inside, up a bunch of stairs and into a pretty big room with a huge closet and an attached bathroom. It's hard to believe that I have all this to myself. I grab a box of shoes and bring it into the closet when I see something reflecting off the mirror on the back wall. I open it. Inside is a- "Jane! Come downstairs!" Laura yells. I get dow...